Pssd advice

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Pssd advice

Unread post by Parisien95 »

Hello everyone, I am looking for a little hope and to be able to discuss the subject. After taking an antidepressant for a while I have pssd (Ejaculation without pleasure, almost zero libido, poor erection, premature ejaculation etc). And mentally I feel apathetic feeling like I'm somewhere else difficulty concentrating and depressed mood. For the (rare) positive points, sleep has improved, I sleep longer without waking up at night or very rarely. Although sleep is not restorative like I once was. Fatigue is a little better too. I play sports I feel good at the time but afterwards I feel bad and mentally confused for two days before he leaves. My question is, what can I do? I did a brutal withdrawal after two years of taking it, it's been a year now and sexually I don't see any improvement at all, it scares me very, very much. I can't see myself living like that in my life and even waiting years for it to come back because I'm quite young. Taking an antidepressant inhibits serotonin reuptake so there is no solution? Other than taking that shit back? And even like that it's not saying that I know how to walk it can get worse.. I can't take it anymore please help me any advice or testimony can help me because what kills me the most like many here I think it's not seeing a solution when basically we didn't ask for or deserve anything from all that
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Re: Pssd advice

Unread post by Terabithia »

Hey man I just wanted you to know that we’re all in this together and you’re not alone in this. I understand it’s really hard but we need to stay optimistic and do all we can to individually improve our situations so that we could make progress as a whole.

If it’s been a year with no improvements whatsoever then I would suggest to start trying some things out whether it be supplements, prescription drugs, lifestyle changes or even consulting medical professionals. From experience most doctors will just dismiss you but you might get lucky and find one that’s willing to work with you and run some tests.

I share a lot of the same symptoms as you and I know when I was in the depths of it I didn’t think I would ever get better. I couldn’t see myself ever improving but little by little i’ve made incremental improvements and i’d say i’m at a solid 40% overall now. It’s not great but it’s a night and day difference compared to when this first hit me so my point is there is hope and hopefully better days for you and all of us.

Make sure to read through the forum and consider starting a daily journal of everything you did and felt that day in terms of PSSD, emotionality, diet or any protocols you’ve been trialling.

Wishing you all the best brother.
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Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2021 11:00 pm

Re: Pssd advice

Unread post by Parisien95 »

Hello, thank you for your answer my friend. When you say you are at 40% what are your improvements? Yes I suspect that here we are all in the same situation we must try to help each other. Some days I have a lot of despair especially when I see people having this condition for so many years. Regarding supplements I prefer not to take them I'm afraid those are even worse. I'm going to ask for tests, you're right, but I'm under no illusions. My GP a woman was unfortunately understanding apart from suggesting me to play sports and giving me a prescription for Cialis she couldn't do anything for me. I didn't take it because I don't have confidence anymore then I doubt that it will help me in the long term I don't want those to be even worse. Do you think that because I stopped the antidepressant all at once rather than gradually it could have had a negative effect or it would have been the same? I do not really know what else to do. I think I'll give myself another year or two. But after .. if it's still the same it's not livable what solution can I have? Resume low dose antidepressant? It must be risking again I'm afraid of losing everything. But I tell myself that I've already lost everything, it's unbearable. Do some recover from it by taking, for example, St. John's wort or others? Its also acts on serotonin I believe .. Some have you had improvements in all their symptoms especially their premature ejaculation over time? I also had a shrinkage of the sex, it's okay that basically I don't have to complain about this level but it annoys me all the same. Especially since I noticed this shrinkage and premature ejaculation after stopping the antidepressant. Does this mean that if I take it back I will find a normal size and a "normal" ejaculation duration? Under AD I could have very long intercourse with difficulty ejaculating. Sometimes in fact I have the impression of telling myself that time will be able to help me but a part of me tells me what if you did all this for nothing? If it never went back to normal. Taking the antidepressant is not the solution because once I even ejaculated in my sleep so it can be worse but can be at a minimum dose or St. John's wort I don't know. But I can't live like this anymore, I can't anymore
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