Head Trauma and/or PSSD exacerbate short term memory loss?

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Head Trauma and/or PSSD exacerbate short term memory loss?

Unread post by Every_Thing_ »

I really need your help on this one folks, as this subject is very dear to me. I started wrestling around the same time I got PSSD which is 2 years ago (Olympic style wrestling not WWE lol). Well, long story short, ever since then I've been noticing a consistent decline in my short term memory... Maybe I'm reinforcing negative beliefs but I'm pretty sure I notice a difference. I say this because as you may know, getting hit in the head leads to brain damage which in turn impairs ones memory. Although wrestling is not notorious for giving concussions as opposed to say football or boxing, it does deliver its fair share of concussive and sub-concussive blows. Personally, I've suffered 2 concussions and probably more headbutts/various head to bone hits than I can count, all of which still shouldn't be enough to cause any damage (I think). Since I've read about people experiencing memory loss after having gotten PSSD, my concern is that participating in a contact sport which entails inevitable hits to the head while having PSSD can possibly exacerbate memory loss. After fearing potentially getting brain damage I discontinued wrestling and its been at least 3 months since, it is safe to say that I feel like my memory has actually improved... Now I'm faced with the daunting task of deciding whether I shall continue the sport that gave me so much or say goodbye. For the record, I would rather have good mental health if it means no longer wrestling. What does everyone think the reason for this could be and what should I do? Thanks for your time :)
Male of 19 years
Zoloft for 1 year and stopped cold turkey
Got PSSD afterwards and its been 2.5 years
My symptoms have been slowly getting worse ever since...
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