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Fertility and Growth Hormone

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:13 am
by kpavel
Will HGH Affect Fertility?
Growth hormone in male infertility
Growth hormone (GH) is expressed in a variety of tissues, including the testes, and has autocrine and paracrine functions as well. This, along with other factors, exerts autocrine and paracrine control over spermatogenesis. GH, used as an adjuvant therapy, induces spermatogenesis in non-responder patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, who are not responding to gonadotropin or pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) therapy. GH has an important physiological role to play in spermatogenesis and male fertility.
Growth hormone in the management of female infertility
Growth hormone (GH) is involved in the regulation of male and female infertility and has been used in the management of both male and female infertility. GH is also produced by the ovary apart from it being produced from pituitary. GH helps in monofollicular growth. GH therapy is one of the adjuvant treatment used in ovarian stimulation and Assisted Reproductive Technologies Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). GH supplementation has been shown to improve pregnancy rates in poor responders. Growth hormone cotherapy has a definite role to play in ovarian stimulation and is effective in appropriately selected cases. However, it cannot be recommended indiscriminately in every patient undergoing ovarian stimulation or assisted reproductive technology.
Method of treating infertility or sub-fertility in adult men, and the use of preparations in the method.
Non-surgically correctable infertility or sub-fertility in adult men having poor semen quality is treated with injections of human Growth Hormone (hGH) in daily doses of 1 - 10 IU/m2 or in doses in combination with gonadotrophins. Increase in total semen volume and total sperm number per ejaculate up to normal figures iis obtained.