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About cognitive symptoms..

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:12 pm
by Understandingtheb
I've read about many cases of people improving their emotional and physical symptoms, but I've read very few about cognitive issues.

First of all, I'm curious about how common are cognitive symptoms (difficulty with: short term memory, reasoning, imagination, planning, math) in PSSD. Do you have them? How strong? Can you give percentage?

When it comes to treatments, are there any specifically for the cognitive symptoms? Do they usually improve when the other symptoms improve? Have any of you completely recovered from the cognitive issues? Did you recovered 100% from the cognitive but not from others?

Re: About cognitive symptoms..

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:12 am
by Determined-Mind
I have some cognitive problems (such as auto-biographical memory problems) without at the moment knowing any improvement on that after taking a variety of substances.

People with cognitive problems can certainly benefit from stimulants (like methylphenidate, modafinil or herbs like a combination of muira puama + dopa mucuna).

I've already tried these substances without any improvement in sexual function.

My partner takes 450 mg modafinil for chronic fatigue and cognitive slowness. He has managed to reduce his dosage to 100 mg modafinil in the morning by combining it with the herbs in the morning and at noon.

You could also experience improvements with low doses of lithium (it has been shown to be beneficial for Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders).

Lithium regulates genes and stimulates neuronal growth, including in the structures involved in cognitive disorders.

I started lithium 2 weeks ago and I have the impression that it stimulates my mind (I work more, procrastinate less, I'm very creative and intellectually ebullient).

It's too early to say whether the lithium is having any effect on my autobiographical memory problem (which was certainly caused by my complex trauma) and is certainly due to hypocampal atrophy.

My partner and I are very observant and should know in the next few months whether lithium has an effect on this aspect of my cognition.