Please tell me if i have pssd

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Please tell me if i have pssd

Unread post by Tellme97 »

Hello, I need some advice, please.

I was taking Cipralex (escitalopram) 5 mg, and now I’m having issues with erections after my last round of taking Cipralex. I took it for 3 months and 16 days. This time, I tapered off a bit faster; in the past, I’ve taken SSRI and tapered more slowly. I think I tapered by taking 2.5 mg every day for about a month, but maybe it was only two weeks, and then I reduced to 2.5 mg every other day for 9 days. I’m not entirely sure of the timeline, though; I might have done less than a month.

A week after stopping, I experienced “brain zaps” that lasted one to two weeks. In the past, I’ve taken SSRI for longer periods, with my last time being two years, also at 5 mg. I tapered over two months with gradual drops every two weeks, taking 2.5 mg, then every other day, then two-day pauses, then three-day pauses, but completely 2 months, minimum 2 weeks one jump so it was very gradual. I didn’t have erection issues or brain zaps with that approach. I only ever had brain zaps when starting SSRI if I had coffee, and then this time after stopping SSRI quickly.

During my time on SSRI, my erections were fine. I could skip a dose without any problem, and before starting SSRI, everything was fine too.

I’m wondering if my faster tapering this time could be causing the issues. Since the brain zaps might indicate quick withdrawal, would it help to restart SSRI and taper off more slowly this time? Maybe that would bring back my good erection quality? And then, with a slower taper, maybe I could recover without brain zaps? Or should I just wait and hope my erections come back? It’s been 3.5 months since stopping; I stopped on July 16th.

While on SSRI, my erections were so strong that I could go 3 times in a row, or at least twice without issues. I never had problems with my first round of sex going soft. After stopping, though, I had issues right with the first round, then it got a bit better, and I could go a second time. Then it got worse again, probably due to the psychological stress. But I noticed when I’m lying down, it’s sometimes difficult even for the first round of sex; however, if I’m on top or standing, I don’t have problems, sometimes even managing a second round. But lying down is a disaster – when I was on SSRI, I had no trouble with erections lying down. During masturbation, my erection is weak.
One more thing, no problem with ejaculation, no problem with feelings, libido is not that big becouse of thinking about that:/
I’m currently taking microdoses of mushrooms instead of SSRI.

Edit : i read faq and ses about 5htp, i use 5htp and tryptophan from first problem i see.. :/ i stop that now..
Is possible pernament damage but in most cases is not pernament ? After psilocibin and 5htp?

5-HTP, and other antidepressants have in some cases made patients their condition permanently worse in attempts at alleviating their existing symptoms.

But only in some cases…? If i stop all maybe my erection will be fine ?
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