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Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:48 pm
by Angrydude00
So recently, and for the first time in about 7 years, something actually worked pretty good and it's Bupropion. The effects were pretty amazing on my libido, erections, sensitivity and
even my orgasms(and I thought my orgasms previously were pretty normal)! I would say I was like 90-95% there. It helps with depression slightly too but the libido part is amazing.
The only reason I started it was because I get Trans-cranial Magnetic stimulation therapy now and it was wearing off a little before my next round of sessions. It's essentially just
holding me over until then.
The only problem is, I think it may be temporary or at least it already seems to be losing it's potency on my libido a little bit after only 2 weeks which is devastating.
This raises many questions about my condition: Why, of all things, did Bupropion give such a potent effect on PSSD? Why is it (maybe)wearing off? I've also
considered that I may not have PSSD at all and I actually just have a genetic issue with Dopamine, norepinephrine or both and it just happened to really get worse
while I was on SSRIs even though this seems unlikely.
I do have some evidence that supports the idea that I have PSSD though. When I first tried to go off SSRIs to get ready for TMS, I did the exact same thing and tried Bupropion.
If I remember correctly, I was on the same dose of the exact same medication with absolutely ZERO EFFECT. No relief in symptoms, no side effect, nothing.
I really wish I would have documented it to be sure. It's a little hazy. Could it be that my
brain has sensitized slightly so I can feel the Bupropion now? I have been off of everything for about 11 months.
Another concern of mine, is that Bupropion will make my PSSD worse.

Anyway, sorry that this post is long winded and all over the place but this was pretty monumental for me. I'm hoping that somebody will have some theories or personal experiences
that will align with mine so I can shed some light on this terrible ordeal. Cheers, guys.

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:17 pm
by infinityzer00000
Placebo effect. My guess is you took the medication and believed in it so much that you became happy which raised your mood. A happier mood brought your libido back. Now that your doubting the medication your mood is sinking again and therefore your libido is dropping.

Or Maldoror could be right.

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:19 pm
by Maldoror
I've seen many reports of great but very short-lasting improvements on Wellbutrin. It seems fairly common.

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:05 pm

I totally disagree
Placebo shouldn't be that common

Previously I saw a lot of cases that it temporarily helped pssd

I met a young guy who experienced ssri induced sexual dysfuction in my country
And he said that he's currently taking bupropion
Guess what?
He said his sexuality is coming back

Don't know what happened next
He doesn't answer my e-mail
Probably had the same experience as Angrydude00 experienced

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:49 pm
by Angrydude00
Honestly, the effect was strong enough to where I could tell it definitely was effecting my sex drive though I understand why someone would assume that it's placebo especially after reading a lot of the other bunk posts on here. Hell, I even question whether or not PSSD even exists sometimes. I was literally browsing the internet on my laptop in bed and suddenly realized that sexuality to brain connection that I've been missing for years. It wasn't perfect but really, I wasn't kidding when I used the word "profound". That's why it really pisses me off when doctors act like you are so unaware of your own sexual realm. You know it when you do or don't have a libido. I've never even had a 5% improvement in my symptoms from taking every stupid supplement under the sun, powerlifting/cardio, meditation, TMS, various diets like keto, paleo, ect. I also hate holistic medicine and pseudoscience and I STILL decided to see a holistic doctor. He's sending me to a endo, by the way which is pretty nice of him. I never would have got my GP to do that. Plus, It doesn't make me feel even half as good and TMS. TMS is the real deal and it did absolutely nothing for PSSD. I've been lurking on these boards for years and I haven't had even one notable improvement until now so I hadn't posted much.
But seriously, I think this is important information. Whatever happens in the initial doses of Bupropion, like before you get used to the meds, is really what we want to emulate. Our brains do have the ability to become aroused. My main concerns right now are of course, first of all, why does it stop working and I can confirm at this point that it's still wearing off and the other question, will this make me worse in the long wrong? I would assume not because Bupropion rarely if at all causes PSSD from what I have read. I mean it is quite different from Citalopram which got me into this whole ordeal.
Thanks for the responses guys. It's really nice knowing that there is some kind of support for this horrible condition.

Oh, I almost forgot! Another thing is that all of the typical side effects that I felt from the drug like feeling kind of zoned out and anxious, no appetite, ect went away at the exact same time as the libido. I actually felt worse, mentally at that time when my libido came back then I do now.

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:23 pm
by Angrydude00
So, I've been on Bupropion since the 8th of December and it's now the 26th. Even though the initial effect was much more potent, I still have a significant increase in sensitivity. My libido is probably at like 65%ish compared to like 35%(it's hard to put it into percentages though). In other words, I have less of the "genital anesthesia" feeling and it seems pretty consistent. I assume that if I go off of the medication, it will go away which makes me a little sad but I'm happy to see any improvement at all at this point, even if I have to be dependent on this stuff in the long term.

This pretty much confirms in my mind that whatever is wrong with me, be it PSSD or whatever, is do to an issue with Dopamine, Norepinephrine or both considering the mechanisms of Bupropion. I'm actually completely convinced that I have PSSD at this point though.

If anything get's better or worse, I will be sure to post again.

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:24 pm
by cyrus91
It makes sense that Wellbutrin should help some of us because as far as most of our physicians are concerned Wellbutrin (Buproprion) is their first line of defense. It was undoubtedly the first thing my Dr. wanted me to try, and I did try it. At that point I hadn't yet discovered this forum and was really confused as to what was going on with me and my erections. But I probably didn't give it a fair consistent effort as I think I was hesitant about taking another antidepressasnt (albeit much milder antidepressant). I've considered trying it again as that was over 5 years ago now, so who knows maybe it will help me as well.

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:17 am
by theloneranger86
please update if it does work

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 9:52 am
by Angrydude00
I would also like to see other people's report on this medication. I'm not crazy about the idea of masking symptoms of PSSD or trying to "reverse" the condition with meds but I don't have any other options at this point. Supplements don't do shit. Exercise, meditation, healthy diet and all that jazz make small improvements in people who are normal and need to improve their health. I really think this needs to be treated aggressively, I'm just not sure how.

Re: Profound but maybe temporary effect!

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:15 am
I tried 150mg for two days but stopped because of insomnia and heart pounding